At Chooz Marketing, we believe that your company needs quality, original content that is technically optimized. We are your #1 choice for engaging content that gets your business noticed and ranked.

Ed Dus, Founder, Chooz X

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is the process of creating written or visual content that engages potential customers. The ideal time for your business to engage users is when they are searching for answers or researching online. Good content marketing targets prospective customers on search engines such as Google and persuades them to further engage with your company. Your content should be a strategic blend of search engine optimized while piquing the user's interest.

Content Marketing banner for Chooz Marketing

Comparing Content Marketing and Advertising

The content used for content marketing should be different from the copy used for direct advertising. When a user clicks on a pay-per-click (PPC) ad, they have an immediate need or intent. The content and copy of the ad should speak to this lower funnel (this means the user needs less convincing to purchase your product or services) user intent. Content marketing is much higher on the user intent funnel (meaning, they need more convincing). This means that the content should start to build trust with the user, as opposed to getting the user where they want to go.

The Content Behind Content Marketing

Content marketing is meant to inform, educate, and build trust with the customers of your business. This type of writing will convert much better for your company versus overly-aggressive sales copy and tone. There are a time and place for ad-copy, and we will utilize it in many of your campaigns, but it is essential to know when to use it.

Blue business owner building with digital marketing funnel

Customized Digital Marketing Solutions

We create content that appeals to users and turns them into lifetime customers. Here are the content creation services we offer:

website copy icon
Website Copy
blog content icon
Blog Content
book icon
E-Books & PDFs
video camera icon
blue medal icon
Asset Design
sales copy icon
Sales Copy
Website Copy
Blog Content

Asset Design


Asset Design


Sales Copy

digital marketing team huddle for business owners
Written by Experience Writers

      Your content must be accurate and well written, but not overly dry or lengthy. You don't want to lose the user's interest. Our material is well written, thoroughly researched, and affordable. We make sure it is search engine optimized and has the highest chance of ranking on the first page.

      Search Terms that Matter for Your Business

        Keyword research will reveal search volume for a specific term searched for by a user. We will use this research to find particular phrases that we will build your content around. Often it is best to target "longtail" keywords that are not as competitive because they have the highest chance of ranking on the search results.

        Blog Content that Engages Customers

            Your company's blog content should support and bolster your website's user experience. The material should send the user further down the buyer intent funnel while enhancing the trust relationship with your company every step of the way.

            Video Content that Converts

            We offer coaching, pre-written scripts, and video editing services. We recommend that the majority of your video content should not be simple and relatable. Don't worry about production quality too much. Also, if you decide to work with a professional video studio, we are available to collaborate with them upon your request.

            business owner in front of video
            improving ROI flag champion

            Content Improves Your Company's ROI

            Your company's digital marketing will benefit significantly by promoting a quality content marketing strategy. The content is search engine optimized and thoroughly researched. When your company writes blog content and create videos that answer questions and establishes good-will with the user, you increase the chances of converting that user into a lifelong customer.